Increase visibility of products in your store and sales will grow. With this module you can associate products with different categories in bulk.
How can it help?
Impoprt products into any category and then mass move or assign products into the related categories. Very easy import !
You dont need to create duplicates of products - copy function just able to create new relation between product and category, so You manage just one poduct
Module Features:
Mass Move products between categories
Bulk Copy/Assigning/Associate products between categories
Select source category from the list or by id
Select all products in the category, or some of them
Move products by products ID
Select moving products from the search results (Filter products by title or description directly in the module)
Remove relations between products and categories on move
Select the target category from the list
Support two modes of inserting products in the target category: from the first position in a category or a final position